Hudson, you really got me...

Gallery Wall Art

If you love the seventies, when roller disco boots were EVERYTHING and car journeys were in an estate car, duvet in the back and no seat belts, then Upstate New York is for you. Two hours from NYC, the train journey was stunning with views of the Hudson River and Catskills, our hearts began to melt. 

The boys and I spent a few dreamy days at Rivertown Lodge (@rivertownhudson). This was my room and look at that perfectly placed picture. We ate ice creams and took bicycles out, we raced downhill at high speed (well it felt like high speed to me). Even going to the laundrette was an adventure. 

The flea markets and antique markets were to die for. Not to mention @hawkinsnewyork, a treasure trove of locally handmade objects and gorgeous rugs and bedding. Hudson is brimming with galleries and limited edition prints (I pretended that was news to me to the boys, and we were there for the scenery).


Upstate is where I sourced one of our favourite pieces. I spotted Hudson Gal, a canvas painting, the moment I walked into the antiques store. I had her neatly packaged – boy that girl's well travelled.

She took the beautiful train journey back to Manhattan with us and before we even arrived in town she was sold. It turned out to be the lovely Emma Bird Newton of Chateau de Lartigolle that had bought Hudson Gal.

She came back to London with us and then off she went to her new home in France. I'm going to visit her one day and hopefully get to meet Emma. She is passionate about wall art and Hudson Gal has her very own gallery wall. It's a special connection that I hope to keep on going. 

Oil_Painting - Wall_Art

Upstate is full of famous faces but there is a particularly stylish hideout – the home of Helena Christensen, which was featured in Vogue last month (talk about tipping me over the edge). Oh and her house is full of vintage finds. Her bathroom has a beautiful nude just like some of the ones in our collection.

Well I hope that's not all for now because I can’t wait to get back to do a driving tour of the Catskills. One day maybe....